Over the years, artificial intelligence has evolved from being a subject of science fiction to a modern day reality. Although it has been around for quite some time, it is only recently that it has grown to a point where it makes a noticeable impact on our lives.
Over the coming years, artificial intelligence will cause major disruptions in most of the industries. Most people are excited about the benefits that the technology will bring, but some are concerned about the technologies impact on job security.
Such concerns may be genuine, but they are often blown out of proportion. While artificial intelligence will render some routine jobs obsolete, it will also create as many jobs as it displaces. The effect of this technology will vary from one industry to another. If you are a tech a professional, the future is about to get brighter!
A report by PWC shows that in a span of twenty years, artificial intelligence and other technologies that are related to it will eliminate seven million jobs in the UK. The technology will however create 7.2 million jobs over the same period.
According to the report, the health sector stands to benefit most from the use of AI. Only 12% of the jobs in this industry will be eliminated while 34% more jobs will, be created. The manufacturing sector, on the other hand, will suffer the most loses as it will lose 30% of its current jobs and only get 5% more jobs.
The information and communication industry will experience a positive effect from the employment of AI. 18% of the jobs in this industry will be lost but 27% more jobs will be created.
As more businesses accept the use of artificial intelligence in the workplace, tech professionals will witness a major shift in their jobs as they shift to meet the needs of an organization increasingly run by machines.
Here are some ways this will happen.
AI Problem Solving
A computer will not teach a tech professional how to improve things. It is up to you as a tech professional to spot opportunities and find a way of leveraging them through artificial intelligence for increased efficiency in the office. It will also be the tech professionals who will program and teach these programs.
Introduction of artificial intelligence will influence the creation of a knowledge based economy that professionals can use to create better automation for an improved form of life. The new job for future tech professionals will be to use AI to automate tasks that AI can do faster than humans.
In order to achieve success, IT professional will have to be well versed with the many processes carried out in their organizations as well as a solid understanding of machine learning. With enough talent and practice, it will be possible for tech professional to use algorithms to teach computers a range of tasks.
Innovating and Developing
Tech professionals know that there are huge cost saving benefits to be reaped through scripting of routine infrastructure builds. Unfortunately, most of them stop here instead of using IT to come up with new ways of doing things to enable innovation in important areas of the business.
It would be a shame for an IT department to use such a revolutionary technology to do routine tasks rather than using it as a tool to help them in their innovative projects.
For example, artificial intelligence is good at spotting patterns and predicting events. It has been used in modern epidemiology in a program that predicts dengue fever outbreaks three months before they actually happen by examining data such as the speed of wind, population density, the direction and volume of rain and the types of housing.
AI-Centric Jobs
A lot has been said about AI and its impact on job security. As a tech professional, you have nothing to worry about. The demand for it professionals in positions in artificial intelligence will only skyrocket. Individuals and companies will be on the lookout for tech professionals to help them harness technology.
With the next “industrial revolution” waiting to happen, there could not be a better time to start preparing for one of the in demand jobs that AI will create in the tech world.
In Demand IT Positions in AI
Machine Learning Engineer
Machine learning engineers are advanced software developers. Their jobs involve using predictive models to create complex programs. A machine learning engineer aims at developing programs that can learn and apply that knowledge in required situations without following specific instructions.
This is a vital part of artificial intelligence whose impact is already being seen. Machine learning engineers are needed to help in the creation of most AI systems such as self-driven cars, virtual personal assistants and search engines.
Becoming a machine learning engineer requires you to be an excellent programmer and have a background in cloud technology and mathematics.
Data Scientist
Data scientists collect huge amounts of data and analyze it using AI technology to gain insights and predict trends. Data scientists will play a role in fueling the growth of companies that depend on data to make vital decisions.
In other words, data scientists are problem solvers. They transfer raw data into actionable information. This job requires you to be good at statistical programming as well as machine learning and handling big data.
Business Intelligence Developer
Business intelligence developers are also involved in analysis of complex data. Their job involves examining data from multiple sources to highlight trends and opportunities.
They save a company time and monetary resources by developing business intelligent solutions using AI technology. To become a business intelligent developer, you should have a background in data analysis and communication.
Research Scientist
A research scientist is an expert in artificial intelligence related disciplines such as machine learning. These professionals use deep learning, graphical models and a variety of other AI tools to solve problems. If you are a tech professional with a knack for gathering intelligence and using technology to improve performance, you would make a great research scientist. You also need to have a background in solving analytical problems and programming and have excellent communication skills.
Robot Scientist
A robot scientist makes work safer and more efficient. Robot scientists need to have a background in mechanical engineering and have excellent programming and mathematical skills.
Computer Vision Engineer
Computer vison engineers are among the most wanted IT professional today. They are responsible for developing software and algorithms to improve the automation of vehicles and the maneuverability of robots.
They use image processing, machine learning and other tools to do their job. To be a computer vision engineer, you need to have a background in computer science and mechanical engineering.
Final Word
There is no doubt that IT and AI revolution will impact the future of workplace and our lives at large. While artificial intelligence may render some jobs obsolete, it will create many more opportunities for tech professionals than displaces.
Top emerging jobs in the tech landscape include; data analysts and scientists, AI and machine learning specialists, general and operations managers, software and application developers and analysts, big data specialists, data transformation specialists, organization development specialists, sales and marketing professionals, information technology services, among others.
So, AI should not be viewed as a technology that will displace jobs, but as a technology that will augment the work that humans do, and carry out more of the complex activities that are beyond human capacity. If you think AI will kick you out of the job market, it’s time you learnt how to work alongside the robot to increase efficiency at workplace.